Presenting Viggo; a new tiny doll!

Hi everybody!

I am happy to finally be able to give you a first peak at the new male tiny I’ve been working on.
His name is Viggo.

He will be presented on a male version of the tiny body as a default, but all heads in the tiny line can fit on any of the bodies.

Speaking of bodies; the male body is in the works and I hope to be able to present images of it shortly.

If all goes well we will open an order period for all three tinies later this fall, probably around the first of October.
Keep an eye on the order tab.


Betty and Milly. Two tiny ladies.

I am happy to present these two.

They are both home cast in polyurethane resin and they share the same body and headcap, only their faces are different.

First out is Betty.

And here is Milly

Note: Millys teeth are not in the sculpt, but simply painted into the gap in the mouth. A shadow line there instead would make the mouth look closed.

Images of the body from different angles:

Additional images of the body in various poses:

Height: 23cm
Eyes in pictures: 6mm oval glass flat back. (8mm eyes with small iris will work as well.)
Head circumference: 11cm
Waist: 9cm
Bust: 10cm
Hips: 11cm
Foot: 32mm x 14mm

The beginning of a doll head.

Meet Skyfall
I use Super Sculpey for my original sculpt. It is a soft, high quality polymer clay.
Here is another image of the head, ready for casting.

I made a silicone mold and cast the head in polyurethane resin myself, even though the final cast will be done by a casting company.
This way I have heads in the right material to play with, paint and try on different bodies, ahead of time. It also means I don’t have to send my actual original sculpt to the casting company, so if something should go wrong and it is damaged or lost in shipping, it’s not the end of the world.
So, why not just casting the finished dolls in house and save the money from have it produced elsewhere? Well, honestly, I’m no professional caster. I work in my own home and don’t have the facilities or experience to safely produce a high quality product here. It is also a lot of work and that is work of a kind that I am neither very interested in nor very good at. This way I have more energy and time to put into the actual sculpting and marketing aspects and the customer will get a better product in the end.