So, the observant among you have probably spotted the fact that it’s Octobre and no order period is open. No prototype pictures of Knobbly yet and over all very little activity here.
Unfortunately my supplier of casting materials have shut down, so I need to find a good reliable substitute and it’s prooving to be dificult. Since I suspect that this will take some time to resolve, I have decided to cancel this order period all together and I hope to be able to have this doll ready for order in January, instead.
This is causing a domino effect of problems and I am having trouble keeping up even with the basics right now.
For what it’s worth the doll itself is fully finished and ready for moldmaking.
Before I did the very last finishing, I strung him and made some poseing tests and took some pictures.
Hopefully, I will be able to resolve things and make his little guy available for purchase at the beginning of next year.
Wish me luck, because I think I’m going to need it.